Collection: Test
In order to reduce the number of geese attracted to a pond or wetland area, the construction of a grid of suspended lines over the restricted area has been quite successful. Grids can be made of single strands of our cord arranged in 10 to 15-foot squares. These cords should be at approximately 15 to 24 inches above the water surface. A grid design like this has proven to be effective for keeping geese off wetlands and ponds. Twin//Line has completed an extensive product development project which has resulted in a new cord with a higher strength High-density polyethylene (HDPE) extruded jacket with enhanced UV protection over a Kevlar® core. This cord has been designed to retain its high strength for 5 years in outdoor high UV environments. We offer a 1.53 mm 300 lb test cord. This cord can be used for a maximum of about 250 foot span. You can expect about a 2 inch sag over 100 feet at 30 lb line tension. Ice loading will affect the line sag. We can also supply accessories to support your installations. See below for recommended terminations for the cord. |